Friday, October 19, 2007

It's nice to have something so personal distinctly locked away from the prying eye.

I want to built a big castle, with towering steeples. A large moat around it filled with hungry piranhas. Within this stone fortress, I shall be the sole living creature there. A little garden to be built at the rooftop to feed myself. Splendid isolation, eternal self reflection. No living soul shall be allowed in, as I had suffered the ploy of the trojan horse once too many times. Enough is enough, I have realized my fortress is infallible and the only way to make it impregnable is to refuse all entry. Never again, I tell myself, never again shall I allow another to enter. Even familiars are not to come close, mabe to the edge of the moat but never, to let down the drawbridge.

I thought I could change my life by going far away, and I did. But now I'm back to teh same circle, and it's so hard to break free.

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